Cue the silver bells, because shopping for gifts (and coming up with gift ideas) just got a lot easier! Instead of sitting in holiday traffic and burning the gas you paid an arm and a leg for, check out these gift ideas that can make a big impact on everyone on your Christmas list. The best part? You can do all your shopping online.

Gift Ideas for Everyone on Your Christmas List

And we mean everyone. From the person obsessed with personal growth to the one who could simply use some encouragement, we’ve got you and your Christmas list covered.

We’ve got gifts for:

For Someone Looking for Hope (and Some Practical Next Steps)

If someone on your Christmas list has had a tough go of things lately and needs some hope, you’ve come to the right place—offering people hope is what we do best! We’ve all made mistakes with money and relationships, and sometimes, we just need a fresh start and a gentle push in the right direction. That’s what these four books can give someone.

Baby Steps Millionaires

These days, people are getting a lot of terrible advice on building wealth—mostly thanks to broke 20-year-old “influencers” on social media. Plus, there are plenty of hope stealers out there who want folks to believe becoming a millionaire isn’t possible anymore. That’s why Dave Ramsey wrote his latest #1 bestseller, Baby Steps Millionaires. In it, Dave offers readers hope, showing how ordinary people from every walk of life can build a $1 million net worth. He also teaches the proven biblical plan for becoming a millionaire (which doesn’t involve cryptocurrency or NFTs—shocker, we know).

Own Your Past, Change Your Future

You know that guy who was raised by perfect parents and now has a perfect marriage, perfect kids who always listen to him and a perfect career? Yeah, he doesn’t exist. Truth is, life is difficult and messy sometimes. That’s why Dr. John Delony wrote Own Your Past, Change Your Future. It walks readers through a plan to heal from the tough times in their past so they can have a healthier and more fulfilling life today.

From Paycheck to Purpose

If you know someone who feels stuck in a soul-sucking nine-to-five cubicle job, Ken Coleman is their guy. In his book From Paycheck to Purpose, he gives readers a clear path to doing work they’ll love and the action steps they need to get from where they are to where they want to be.

Lots of folks on your Christmas list would get a ton of peace from that level of clarity, especially with people leaving their jobs—or wanting to—right and left (yep, the Great Resignation is still in full force).

Redefining Anxiety

Anxiety is at an all-time high, and anyone who’s dealt with it knows that anxiety can suck every last bit of joy out of life. Dr. John Delony’s Quick Read, Redefining Anxiety, can help people understand the biggest myths about anxiety and develop a plan to leave it in the rearview mirror.

For Someone With Big Financial Goals

Do you know someone who’s working toward a big financial goal? Maybe they’ve told you they’re busting their butt to get out of debt, build an emergency fund, or pile up cash for a down payment on a house.

If so, these gifts will give them a tried and true plan to help them attack those goals like nobody’s business.

The Total Money Makeover

This is Dave Ramsey’s classic book that spent years on the bestseller list. The Total Money Makeover is the step-by-step plan to pay off debt, save for emergencies, and build wealth. Yep, it’s literally a complete makeover of how people handle money, and it’s a plan that has the power to change lives.


Start budgeting with EveryDollar today!

If you’ve read the book and it made a difference in your life, grab a few copies to gift to others!

Financial Peace University Gift Card

Financial Peace University is our nine-lesson course that teaches people how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for the future. Millions of folks have taken it, and if you’re one of them, you know just how powerful the lessons are. Giving an FPU gift card to a loved one won’t just transform their bank account—it’ll transform their life.

For Someone Who Loves to Plan and Organize

We all have that friend who’s obsessed with organization and planning. Even though it takes a lot of effort, they love it! And they love getting their hands on tools that help them reach their goals. Good news: We’ve got some of those tools —and they make great gifts for moms, sisters or other family members who love goal setting.

Rachel Cruze Wallet

Want to give someone a gift that will let them carry and organize their cash in style? Order them a Rachel Cruze Wallet. It’s made with high-quality leather and has 10 card slots, a handy leather wristlet, and four zippered sections specifically designed to hold cash for all the different areas of their budget. For you men out there who feel like you just read something written in a foreign language, just trust us—the women in your life will love it. Plus, we have a brand-new slim version for those who are looking for something a little more portable.

For Personal Development Junkies

Ramsey gift guide for personal development
Here are some great gifts for the person who’s constantly trying to grow—whether that’s by taking a personality test or reading the latest bestselling self-help book.

The Momentum Theorem

If you really want to help someone kick their goals into overdrive, get them a copy of Dave Ramsey’s newest book, The Momentum Theorem. In just 44 pages (yep, you can read this one in under an hour), Dave teaches a powerful framework that will speed up growth and progress in any area of life.

Know Yourself, Know Your Money

Do you have a friend who often wonders why they always seem to fall into the same patterns when it comes to their money? Rachel Cruze’s latest book, Know Yourself, Know Your Money, will help them answer that question by getting to the root of their choices and mistakes. You can gift this book to help your loved ones learn exactly where they are with money, why they handle money the way they do, and how their personal tendencies impact every decision they make.

The Contentment Journal

In our world of comparison, instant gratification and perfectly organized social media feeds, gratitude and contentment have become something of a lost art. And if you aren’t intentional about cultivating a heart of thankfulness, it can be easy to get swept up in all the madness and constantly feel like everyone else’s life is better than yours. That’s a terrible mindset to live with! So, help give the gift of gratitude and fulfillment this Christmas with The Contentment Journal. Or grab the two-pack (one for them and one for you—Merry Christmas).

For Recent Grads

Ramsey gift guide for grads
Know someone who’s just graduated college and joined the workforce? These books will give them a jump start on a great career (and life!).

College 101 Bundle

You could get your soon-to-be high school grad another video game. Or you could set them up for a successful future with this College 101 Bundle. They’ll learn how to avoid student loans like the plague with our book Debt-Free Degree. Then they’ll learn what mistakes they should avoid and how to make smart financial decisions with The Graduate Survival Guide. They’ll thank you later—we promise.

College Grad Gift Pack

Many college grads leave the ceremony with a degree in one hand and thousands of dollars of debt in the other. It’s time to help them kick Sallie Mae to the curb. Gift the grad in your life our College Grad Gift Pack to help them pay off debt with Destroy Your Student Loan Debt, find their career calling with The Proximity Principle, and land their dream job after graduation with Ken Coleman’s Get Hired Guide.

For Couples

A white dress, an expensive tux, a rustic barn, a fancy dinner and a honeymoon . . . it all adds up pretty quickly. Have you ever thought about how the bride and groom are paying for their big day after the wedding dust settles? Did they put it on a card? Do they know how to handle their finances as a couple? Are you even allowed to ask these questions?

Leave the questions to us, and gift them the keys to achieving a healthy and happy financial future—together.

Money & Marriage Bundle

When it comes to a successful marriage, communication is key. This Money & Marriage Bundle will help the newlyweds in your life learn how to make a plan to communicate about money, create a budget, work through money fights, set goals, and more. They’ll get copies of Love Your Life, Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze, The Good Fight by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrot, our Know Yourself Money Assessment, and the Conversation Starters for Couples PDF.

Questions for Humans: Couples

Sometimes, we all need a good excuse to put our phones away and just be present with each other. Dr. John Delony’s Questions for Humans Conversation Cards are that excuse. They’re a great way to start meaningful (and hilarious) conversations and connect with those around you on a deeper level. We’ve got a Couples deck that’s specifically designed for couples at any stage of their relationship—whether they’re dating, newlyweds or celebrating 50 years of marriage.

For Kids

Ramsey gift guide for kids
When it comes to raising the next generation, it’s important to show them the ropes so they can grow into fully capable adults in the world. That starts at home, with parents who show their kids how to deal with money the right way.

These gifts for the kiddos can help you—or other parents you know—do just that.

Junior’s Adventures Storytime Collection

Teach kids how to work, give, save, spend, avoid debt, and live a life of integrity by giving them this book set. Kids will join Junior as he learns how to win with money in six different stories. Remember: It’s never too early to teach money lessons that will last a lifetime.

Adventure Pack

Go all in and give the kids in your life the gift of financial peace with our Adventure Pack. Help them build great habits while they’re young with Financial Peace Jr., the Smart Saver Bank, and the Junior’s Adventures Storytime Collection.

Questions for Humans: Parents and Kids

Want to have meaningful, fun conversations with your kids? Want them to put the iPad away for a few minutes? Order Dr. John Delony’s Questions for Humans: Parents and Kids deck and put it in their stocking. It will get the whole family talking and laughing, and you’ll make awesome memories that don’t require a single screen.

Make this Christmas Meaningful and Affordable!

See? There’s really something for everyone on your list. We hope this guide helps you find some practical, meaningful and affordable ideas. Order your favorite options from our online store, then sit back and relax knowing the people you care about will unwrap the gift of hope this season. We bet they’ll appreciate it way more than some candy, makeup or an Applebee’s gift card.

And if you’re still stumped, use our Gift Finder to help you find the perfect gift this Christmas!

Read the full article here

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